gt610显卡驱动 Kext for Nvidia GT 610

IP    属地:北京市
共被下载:80 次
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发布日期:2014-05-31 17:50:44
Hello comrades

Note: Please don't upload it on other servers and don't repack it.

I am providing here the kext NVDAGF100hal. I edited for GT 610 card.

It doesn't work natively and only started by -x (safe boot.Was necessary add the VendID and DevID.

I changed the info.plis and added in IOPCIPrimaryMatch the DevID and vendID.

Here is the code added in info.plist:


It is simple.
Only tested in Mountain Lion 10.8 and I don't know this work in others versions, but i believe yes

Have QE/CI?

Maybe yes, because i get translucent bar, full resolution, Chess game works perfect too and iWork run no issues

Who has the same graphics can now download and use. Just remove the old and install the new kext with Kext Wizard.

Note: Please don't upload it on other servers and don't repack it.

Base information: http://www.insanelym...nvidia-geforce/

Additional: For me it worked better with VGA, DVI-D also works, but i noticed better performance with VGA.

上一篇: rom文件 for ATI HD4650 M96 1002_9280.rom 下一篇: Patched file for 6950/6970

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