集成了很多驱动的整合版系统工具Niresh Mavericks for Intel and AMD. 10.9

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共被下载:72 次
共被浏览:6727 次
发布日期:2014-06-03 22:58:34

Direct Download Available:

The Zip Files are Torrent Files

Read The Guide From MacBreaker

Mavericks-Restore Package for Mac.zip can be used to restore the dmg to usb in Mac.

usbit.zip or Win32DiskImager.zip can be used to restore the image to usb in Windows.

Backup All Your Datas.

You May Probably Need to Boot With this bootflag

USBBusFix=Yes -x -v

If you're stuck on black screen read below to remove graphics extensions.

There are Several Kernels Included

Amd Users Must Boot With

amd -v

amd64 -v

amdfx -v

Atom Users : atom -v

hp laptop users: hp -v

for users with instant reboot (Haswell): xpcm-free -v

ivy bridge: ivy -v

上一篇: iPhone 4S 苹果iOS8 Beta版固件下载(附百度网盘地址) 下一篇: MAC OSXYosemite10.10安装教程.txt

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