GT630黑苹果驱动 for 10.10 GMC1/Beta4 Nvidia GT630 Lastest Driver!

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共被下载:56 次
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发布日期:2015-05-10 11:47:11
[NEW FASTEST] 10.10 GMC1/Beta4 Nvidia GT630 Lastest Driver!

How To Install & Your Need Packages:

1- Install & Boot OS X Yosemite 10.10 GMC1/Beta4.

2- Download & extract this files.

3- Download & install lastest Chameleon (for Yosemite version) or Clover from or

4- Download lastest kext utility from

5-1- Extracted kext copy and paste to /System/Library/Extensions and click change, okay (enter password) and open kext and enter password and click okay than see enjoy and click quit button and restart.

5-2- Or extracted kext drag and drop to kext and enter password and click okay than see enjoy and click quit button and restart.

Nvidia GT630 by: KemalALKIN - Major Hint! - Please Read!

Full speed performance for plase change smbios.plist file:

Change mac type to MacPro5,1 because:

Edited speed lines in AppleGraphicsPowerManagment.kext ; MacPro5,1 lines.

Delete This KEXT :

System --> Library -->> Extensions ;

AppleTyMCEDriver.kext because:

Start with MacPro5,1 = kernel panic | soluti this AppleTyMCEDriver

And switching very very fast no freeze in tab switch for fast speed = delete this folder in System --> Library --> Extensions AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext

" This driver only all Nvidia GT630 GPU M

上一篇: 高清媒体播放器 黑苹果Movist_20140825231450 下一篇: Extra Folder from Dell D630 nVidia Bios A19 ACHI

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