黑苹果显卡驱动 10.9 Nvidia GT630 Native Lastest Driver! 10.9 (13A598)

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共被下载:30 次
共被浏览:3865 次
发布日期:2015-05-10 12:48:24
[NEW 10.9 Nvidia GT 630 Native Lastest Driver!

Updated Lastest Nvidia Driver Version: 310.40.05f01

How To Install & Your Need Packages:

1- Install & Boot OS X 10.9.

2- Download & extract this files.

3- Download & install lastest chameleon from www.osx86.net or www.insanelymac.com or www.onehalfkiller.com ( minimum chameleon 2.2 r2265+ (or newer) )

4- Download & install lastest nvidia cuda from www.nvidia.com or www.osx86.net

5- Download lastest kext utility from www.osx86.net

6-1- Extracted kexts copy and paste to /System/Library/Extensions and click change, okay (enter password) and open kext utility.app and enter password and click okay than see enjoy and click quit button and restart.

6-2- Or Extracted kexts drag and drop to kext utility.app and enter password and click okay than see enjoy and click quit button and restart.

Nvidia GeForce GT 630 by KemalALKIN - Major Hint! - Please Read !

Full speed performance for plase change smbios.plist file:

Change mac type to MacPro5,1 because:

Edited speed lines in AppleGraphicsPowerManagment.kext ; MacPro5,1lines.

Delete This KEXT :

System --> Library -->> Extensions ;

AppleTyMCEDriver.kext because:

Start with MacPro5,1 = kernel panic | soluti this AppleTyMCEDriver

And switching very very fast no freeze in t

上一篇: Extra Folder from Dell D630 nVidia Bios A19 ACHI 下一篇: hd4600显卡驱动 INTEL HD 4600 Mobile 4016:8086 10.10.3 Kexts

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