
变色龙Chameleon :: install Chameleon Bootloader
Chameleon is a boot loader built using a combination of components which evolved from the development of David Elliott\'s fake EFI implementation added toApple\'s boot-132 project.
设置Settings ::
Create an /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist by selecting any of these boot options and kernel flags.are necessary to run Hackintosh as Real Mac
机型识别SMBios ::
Contains pre-edited smbios.plist files that will identify your system as a specific Mac model.Choose exact Smbios which matches to your system,eg.iMacfor Desktop System with desecrete Graphics andMacBookPro for Laptops ,MacMini is for Integrated Graphics /IntelHD Graphics Desktops ,is the general recommendation.
Config ::
Allready pre-configured org.chameleon.Boot.plist for Chameleon Bootloader ,Special