FakeSMC.kext.zip Haswell CPU Sensor for 10.8/9

IP    属地:北京市
共被下载:22 次
共被浏览:5268 次
发布日期:2014-06-22 18:04:46
Fixes CPU temperature and multiplier readings in HWMonitor and iStat on model 0x3C (LGA1150 Desktop Form) Haswell CPUs, including i7-4770K and i5-4670K.

The larger of the two downloads was compiled on 10.8.4 with the 10.8 sdk. I have not tested this build.
The second and smaller file was compiled on 10.9 with the 10.9 sdk and has been confirmed to work in Mavericks with i7-4770K and i5-4670K.

Kozlek has since merged this patch with his master branch, you can download and compile it yourself at https://github.com/kozlek/HWSensors
Wait for hwmonitor to prompt you to update, or wait for binaries to be available at https://bitbucket.or...nsors/downloads
diff --git a/CPUSensors/CPUSensors.cpp b/CPUSensors/CPUSensors.cpp                                                                                                                                        
index 3af1039..54b9d60 100755                                                                                                                                                                             
--- a/CPUSensors/CPUSensors.cpp                                                                               

上一篇: 万能读卡器驱动SD- VoodooSDHC 下一篇: 硬盘驱动AppleNForceATA.kext

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