AMD Radeon R9 270 驱动 For OSX 支持10.9-10.10

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文件名称:AMD Radeon R9 270
发布日期:2015-03-06 20:53:46
AMD Radeon R9 270 Series drivers for OSX

这个驱动包 支持 10.9.2 以上系统

For GPU-s: R9 270 & R9 270X with 2GB VRAM

Attention: There are many variations of R9 GPU 270 & 270X models and this patch does not fully support them all. Issues with HDMI & DP connectors are noted and reported on several GPU models. For more information check the next pages:

Radeon R9 270X framebuffer issue
[HOW TO] Modification of AMD FB + Clover injection

What's New in Version 1.9 (See full changelog)

    v.1.9 Clover patch added in the pack
    v.1.8 Updated Binary patch + Clover Config inst.
    v.1.7 Universal Binary patch for 10.9.x & new MacPro6,1 plugin for Sandy & Ivy CPU-s
    v.1.6 MacPro6,1 plugin for Sandy & Ivy CPU-s
    v.1.5 - Added 10.9.2 Drivers & SMBIOS MacPro6,1
    v.1.4 - Slightly modified FrameBuffer
    v.1.3 - Some minor bugs fixed
    v.1.3 - FB update eliminate DVI-DL & HDMI issues.
    v.1.2 - ACPI SMC Platform Plugin patch

AMD Radeon R9 270 驱动 For OSX

链接密码: iwfj

上一篇: GTX 260 显卡驱动 For Mac GTX260驱动 下一篇: AMD R7 250 显卡驱动For OS X 10.10.1

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